The final Sabbath in January was set aside in Aberdeen as a day for ordinations of an elder, two
deacons and two deaconesses. Those ordained were Edson Mukombiwa as Elder, Alex Gere and
Valerian Matthews as deacons and Ellen Mkukuma and Patience Ojobe as deaconesses. During the
divine service before the ordination, each of the other three Elders; Manuel Vieira, the most senior,
Providence Motsi and Koye Edwards, along with our Pastor Weiers Coetser, delivered a four-part
sermon on service.

From left to right: Elder Koye, Elder Manuel, newly ordained Elder Edson, Elder Motsi, Pastor Coetser

Edson, arrived in Aberdeen from Edinburgh a few years ago to study chemistry. On completion of his
course, he managed to secure a position in the Aberdeen area and now resides locally. For over two
years now, Edson has served as part of the Pastoral team and has fitted in very well especially by
leading out in Sabbath School. In the congregation to witness his deserving ordination were Eddie’s
parents who had travelled up from Edinburgh. Towards the end of the service, each Elder rendered
gifts to their new member. Elder Koye attached the Elder’s pin to his lapel and Elder Providence
handed Eddie a copy of the Elder’s Manual. Lastly, our senior Elder, Manuel, gave Eddie his personal
bible. Speaking emotionally, Elder Manuel explained how precious the bible was to him as its cover
was made by his wife.

Deacon, Alex, has been a long-standing member of the Aberdeen church while Valerian is a more
recent convert to the faith. This is also the case for deaconess, Patience, who became a member of
the church prior to the onset of COVID 19. Lastly, Ellen, who has lived in Aberdeen for several years,
is our newly-elected head deaconess.

Ordained Elders kneel in prayer of consecration for those being ordaned

The Aberdeen members look forward to working with Edson along with Alex, Valarian, Patience and Ellen while looking into the year to come and those yet to follow. It is the desire that God would continue to bless all those chosen to serve the Aberdeen church as well as those in its greater community.

Janice Savizon

Communications Department